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Statistics/Data Analysis
Welcome to OpenStata, an online text editor and
for learning Stata!
// What is Stata?
Stata is the proprietary statistical software used by
economics departments.
Students interested in entering the field of economics
either through becoming a research assistant or
to graduate schoolare often expected to have
knowledge of Stata.
While some well-resourced colleges and universities
institutional licenses for Stata, many high school and
college students lack access to an institutional
or the funding to purchase Stata, creating yet another
barrier to entry in a field that already struggles
diversity [1].
// What is OpenStata?
OpenStata is a free online text-editor that:
1. Provides tutorials to teach you the basics of Stata
2. Compiles, runs, and displays output for basic Stata
3. Allows you to store `.do` files (Stata programs),